Dogs with Eczema

doggie9Eczema is a general name for numerous skin disorders in dogs. The symptoms of eczema vary from dog to dog. Common indication for dog eczema is a red, itchy, inflamed skin. In most cases of eczema the skin is dry with scaly skin rashes. In some dogs small moist and oozing bumps may occur.
Eczema in dogs is mostly caused by a low functioning immune system. Therefore, also allergies or demodectic mange can cause an eczema. Good news: eczema is not contagious.
Dogs with eczema are prone to develop skin infections, because dust and bacteria can easily enter the damaged skin surface.

Please see pictures before and after a natural dog eczema treatment.

Causes of eczema in dogs

Irritants that enhance eczema:

  • Industrial chemicals, detergents, fumes, paints, bleach, acidic foods, alcohol-containing skin care products and grooming fragrance
  • Allergens that enhance eczema: animal or vegetable proteins from commercial dog foods (food allergy), pollens 
  • Stress, boredom, and loneliness cause itching and eczema
  • Extreme changes of the temperature: Bringing your dog into an air-conditioned room after he was
    outside all day is stressful. Dogs cannot rapidly compensate this change. Better turn the AC on after your dog is inside.

Dog eczema treatment:

  • Avoid commercial dog foods and environmental irritants
  • Boost your dogs immune system
  • Soak or compress the eczema area with potassium permanganate
  • Add pure Neem to your dogs food until the eczema disappears
  • Apply Neem oil to your dogs skin to decrease the itching
  • Avoid bathing your dog with shampoo.

If you are unsure, support your dogs healing process with our herbal Eczema treatment

dog eczema treatment  

Dog eczema treatment

Complete 2 months treatment

     only $75

We ship by Priority Mail

iWe ship Priority Mail from Germany. This guarantees you fresh products, highest potency, and lowest prices! We are so convinced about the quality of our skin treatment products, that we pay the shipment fee! You pay only a minimum cost for packaging and handling.

ich2Do you have particular questions? Call us: +49-375-36084646, or provide your skype-ID by using the contact form.
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