Demodectic Dog Mange

demodectic dog mangeDemodectic mange causes hair loss, skin rashes, and skin infections in dogs. The underlying cause of dog skin disorders, especially demodectic dog mange, is a weakened immune system. Healthy dogs with a strong immune system never develop demodectic mange or other skin disorders.

Treatment of dog mange is easy, it just needs some time and patience.

Successful Dog Mange Treatment

Our herbal dog mange treatment cures your dog naturally and guaranteed successful from Demodex! This mange cure will help you to get a beautiful recuperated dog with shiny coat and healthy skin. Soon your dog will look pretty again. Our herbal treatment will stop your dogs mange - forever!


Order this incredible health package now - your dog will love you for it!

natural dog mange treatmentYou can treat your dogs mange naturally and successful. Try it!
Dalmatian dog after mange treatment
Labrador dog before mange treatment Labrador dog after mange treatment GS dog before mange treatment GS dog after mange treatment

Caniderm-V - Double pack

For 3 months herbal treatment of dog mange

Only $59

What you will get with our herbal dog mange treatment:

  • A supplement of dried organic herbs for internal medication
  • Easy treatment plan per email
  • Free support for your questions
  • Personal assistance from our Holistic Skin Vet
  • Individual tips if you provide a picture of your dogs skin disorder

iWe ship Priority Mail from Germany. This guarantees you fresh products, highest potency, and lowest prices! We are so convinced about the quality of our skin treatment products, that we pay the shipment fee! You pay only a minimum cost for packaging and handling.

ich2Do you have particular questions? Call us: +49-375-36084646, text us a message or provide your skype-ID by using the contact form.
Mo-Fri from 9.00 to 17.00 we are ready to help you. If you call from outside Germany please consider the different time zone. We are 6 hours ahead of NYC, and 6 hours ahead of Singapore

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